Megan Beshirs received her undergraduate education, B.S. in Chemistry, from Southeastern
Oklahoma State University. She spent a year working as an environmental contractor
for the EPA and two years working at her alma mater as a lab coordinator. She returned
to graduate school at Oklahoma State University, where her research work was focused
on X-ray crystallography and viral proteins.
After graduating with her master’s degree in chemistry, she went on to attend Louisiana
State University - Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, LA studying biochemistry.
However, during her time there, she felt a need to turn her focus to teaching. She
has taught at two different community colleges and spent a few years teaching at Xavier
University in New Orleans.
Professor Beshirs teaches labs for Basic Ideas (non-chemistry majors), General Chemistry I and II, Environmental Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry. She also holds a dual role as lab coordinator for the Chemistry department.